

How to earn money online without investment from

 How to earn money online without investment from

what is Daraz?

How to earn money online without investment from
How to earn money online without investment from

Daraz is a great online company in South Asia. daraz sell more then million products.Daraz was founded as an online fashion retailer in Pakistan in 2012.

In this article i share important ways about how yo earn money from daraz, friends a lot of peoples earn millions of rupees in Pakistan they sell different types of  products, buyers buy things and the seller deliver product to them.buyers review their shops if buyers satisfy with products so they give positive reviews to these shops and people like to buy products from good person on daraz. most of peoples create shops on daraz and they sell not good items on daraz, they give good products pictures and they sell not good products, they scam with peoples and peoples give negative reviews after that peoples not buy items from them.most of peoples buy one items for example they buy an item on one hundred rupees but they sell that item on five or six hundred rupees this is not good ways of earning.friends do not scam with others not only on daraz everywhere.

Create Daraz affiliate account

Friends first create daraz affiliate program store get help from youtube there are a lot of videos about daraz affiliate account when you create store after that buy normal price good items in wholesale market and upload pictures of these items and give reasonable price with your item because people will buy items from you and peoples will give positive reviews of your store.

Friends if you want to become a good seller on Daraz sell good products on normal price this is the to become a good seller on daraz.

Buy items form Alibaba for your Daraz store

Friend i have seen a lots of peoples who buy products from Alibaba and Aliexpress because these two companies are wholesale their price are very good everyone like to buy items from these two companies. when your products arrive after that sell on your Daraz store.

Daraz products sell on Olx

Friend you can sell daraz products without create affiliate store on olx. you have to upload items pictures along with price on olx . friend if a products price is 100 rupees on daraz give 130 rupees on olx ,give order of that product on daraz which  you want to sell on olx and give that person location, mobile number ,and full details who want to buy that product from you. Daraz will send that product direct to him. First Say to that person send me money on easypaisa, jazzcash etc, after that give order on daraz, say to that person product will arrive in 24 hours.

If you want to give your information details in daraz order, daraz will send you that product after that sell on olx. On this way you will pay if you have money. If you have no money follow the first one step in this paragraph.

Join Daraz and start earning.


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